House of maktoum

Dubai Royal Membership Card

The Dubai Royal Membership Card is issued only under the recommendation of a member of the royal family.

royal membership form

    After submitting your application, you shall recieve a response in your email within 24 hours of your application.

    Benefits Associated With
    The Dubai Royal Membership Card


    Cash Benefit

    The possession of The Dubai Royal Membership Card makes you entittled to a cash gift of $2,000,000 US fron the royal family.


    VIP Administrative Access

    You shall have direct access to every administrative office in Dubai and all members of the royal family.


    Permanent Residence

    You shall be legally entitled to a permanent reseidence in Dubai.


    VIP Job Access

    You shall receive a VIP employment opportunity in whatever sector of your choice in Dubai.

    “We are building a new reality for our people, a new future for our children, and a new model of development.”
    Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum